Buh-Bye to Leah!

When we returned in the New Year to new lockdown restrictions and a not so new sense of apathy for the pandemic to “pan-out”, we had to close our doors, knowing they wouldn’t be open again before our exhibition Common or Garden had finished. As we continue to remain active online with the Sam’s Eden closing event last week and the launch of our Graduate Award screening this week, we are still moving forward brazenly into this ever changing idea of what normal is.

But this isn’t sad news! We are celebrating our amazing director Leah Corbett as she moves on to greener pastures! Her two years at Catalyst showcased her establishing a successful legacy for the outreach and engagement programme, she helped to bring the Disappearing Wall to Belfast with Goethe Institut, piloted our Propagate workshop series and delivered her directors show Common or Garden in probably the most stressful of post-lockdown scenarios. She will be fondly missed.

'I’ve learned so much from my 2 years at Catalyst - the value of the directorship as a training ground can’t be underestimated. It’s been so exciting to see what can be achieved by a small group of dedicated volunteers and I’m glad to have contributed to this in some way. I’ve had the opportunity to work with so many incredible artists and practitioners in Northern Ireland and beyond. Most of all I’m grateful to the fantastic team of fellow Directors for all of their support, enthusiasm, hard work and fun along the way.'


If you are interested in the directorship at Catalyst Arts, the application and job description can be found on our website homepage when you click the Director/Volunteer button. Any questions about the role can be sent to catalystarts@gmail.com. We look forward to welcoming new directors to the team in 2021!