Play and record
This show featured two artists whose work uses material connected with competitive sporting activities; Fanni Niemi - Junkola and Roderick Buchanan. The work presented in
different ways an aspect of video focusing on the medium and its ability to convey attributes of physical and psychological realism through real-time narratives. Buchanan presented footage of an Ice Hockey Team, double projected into the space, positioning the viewer in the centre of an Ice Rink. Niemi - Junkola presented four interviews with Finnish professional boxers with English subtitles. The interviews being simultaneously presented on four monitors and convey the boxers’ feelings and psychological strategies in relation to physical aspects of fighting.
Artists: Fanni Niemi-Junkola & Roddy Buchanan
Review. Circa No 84 Summer 1998, Daniel Jewesbury. Frieze May 1998 Padraig Timoney. Siksi.