O U T P O S T | Shared Residency
Paul Gwilliam | Mike Harvey
9th July : Paul Gwilliam Artist Talk | Catalyst Arts 6 – 7 pm
30th July : Opening | Mike Harvey, O U T P O S T : 1/2 cut chromes
6th August : Paul Gwilliam Performance : Out for a Duck 6 – 7pm
Catalyst Arts is pleased to announce Paul Gwilliam and Mike Harvey as the selected artists to participate in this month’s upcoming shared residency between Catalyst Arts and O U T P O S T Gallery, Norwich.
This exchange is a unique four week programme for both organisations and has being developed over the course of a year to reflect both galleries distinct ideologies and current attitudes. The selected artists will be introduced to each cities energetic arts community through a series of artist talks, evening suppers and curator critiques. The artists will also meet with a number of peers for discourse on contemporary studio practice to further cultivate a durable and worthwhile dialogue between the two cities.