Free For All

23rd November - 16th December, 1994

The first of our annual members shows featuring over 100 works by 55 artists.


free for all

..a continuing tradition of connoisseurship and excellence..

free for all is the first annual Catalyst Arts members exhibition which will be opening at Exchange Place on the Wednesday 23rd 7-9pm and continuing until Friday 16th December 1994.

Open Tuesday-Saturday 11 am-6pm

50 members are participating in the exhibition and, considering the muti-disciplined nature of members’ work, the exhibition will represent wide range of approaches not necessarily confined to to ‘visual ‘art.

Catalyst Arts membership extends internationally. The participants in free for all come from Ireland North and South, England, Scotland, Canada, Austrailia, Spain, Denmark and Romania.

The constantly expanding membership which is currently standing at 90 plays a crucial role as a support to the Catalyst Arts organisation and has acted as a network for ongoing communication in the form of ideas, exchanges and projects.

As the final show of ‘94, Exchange Place’s inaugural year; the first membership show; and in keeping with the festive time of year; the exhibition will be a celebration of the year and a look forward to’95.